Competitions & Contests
Art Speaks Juried Exhibition 2025
Entry Dates | 2025-03-01T23:59:00+00:00 - 2024-12-01T06:00:00+00:00 7 Days Left |
Art Speaks Juried Exhibition
April 26 - May 26, 2025
Call for Entries
Presented by the Bay School Community Arts Center
Exhibition dates April 26 - May 26
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 26, 2025, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Any artist living in Virginia, or with a working studio in Virginia, at least 18 years old.
Original works only completed since 1/1/2022, not shown or markedly similar to work shown in a previous Art Speaks (on the Bay) Exhibition. AI-produced artwork is not permitted.
Eligible media include
2D – painting and drawing all media, mixed media and printmaking, fine art photography
3D – ceramic, glass, wood or metal functional ware, sculpture in any media, fiber art
Entry Fee:
$25 for up to 3 complete entries received by midnight, 2/1/2025
$35 for up to 3 entries received after 2/1/2025, until final deadline of 3/1/2025
$20 for full time students, up to 3 entries
Want to pay by cash or check? Use promo code COC and pay in person or by mail to PO Box 1524, Mathews, VA 23109.
Submission deadline: Friday, March 1, by midnight
Delivery of art: Monday - Saturday, April 7-19, 10am–4pm to 279 Main Street, Mathews, VA
Pick up art work: Wednesday - Saturday, May 28-31, 10am–4pm
Statewide courier service will be available for an additional $50 fee. Size limitations apply.
Prizes: $6,350 in prize money
Best in Show ($1500)
First, Second and Third Place Prizes in 2Dimensional Art
First, Second and Third Place Prizes in 3Dimensional Art
Students’ Choice awards in 2D and 3D
Partner Gallery Award
Awards of Merit
Fill out entry form online for one, two or three pieces. Application period opens December 1.
Include a digital picture of each entry, in high quality jpg format, 72dpi, no less than 2400 pixels on the longest side.
Two-dimensional artwork must have wire hanging.
An entry should be no larger than 44” in any direction without prior approval.
An entry should weigh no more than 30 lbs, unless it is free standing and then can weigh up to 50lbs.
The Bay School reserves the right to exclude artwork that may be inappropriate for all audiences.
Jury Process:
All works will be juried in digital format. One digital for each 2d entry. Up to 2 digitals for 3d entries.
Notification of acceptance to the show will be emailed no later than March 10.
Sales: Entries may be for sale or for display only. All work submitted must be priced for sale including commission(38% to The Bay School) or marked “NFS” (Not for Sale). From time of publication of the catalog (April 15, 2025)until the end of the exhibition (May 26, 2025), commission from any sale is owed to The Bay School. Work will bedisplayed on The Bay School website for one year until April 25, 2026. Sales inquiries after the exhibition will bepassed on to the artist to determine the work’s availability for sale by The Bay School with commission.
For more information go to or call 804-725-1278.
This handy video helps you learn how to apply!