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Spring issue "East" - Cover Art, Visual Art

Entry Dates 4/15/23, 11:59 PM - 3/26/23, 1:00 AM 468 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes
Contact Information

Virginia United States


We are excited to open submissions for our Spring 2023 issue, "East".

Following on the heels of our inaugural issue "North", this issue pivots one quarter turn around the compass rose, to reflect on the many connotations of "East". What is east? Where is east? What embodies east? How does the east guide us, or elude us? How do we reach the east? Does the east bring comfort, spiritual guidance, hope? What are our experiences in the physical/geographical east? When have we experienced or striven for rebirth, new dawns, new beginnings? What is awakening? And what of spring? How does the world around us awaken to, or resist, the many facets of "east"?

We look forward to reading your work.

Full guidelines below:

- Submit up to 6 pieces; can be uploaded as separate files (.jpg, .png)
- All artwork must be original
- Please include: 1) Image title, 2) Date, 3) Medium, 4) Dimensions
- Artists retain all rights
- We encourage simultaneous submissions
- We consider previously published material; please label it as such

We particularly welcome submissions from traditionally marginalized voices, including BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and the neurodivergent.
We do not currently pay our contributors; we hope to in the future.