Juried Calls & Exhibitions


Entry Dates 8/1/24, 11:59 PM - 5/15/24, 12:00 PM 37 Days Left
Entry Fee? No
Contact Information

Deborah Kmetz

17 Oak Ave.

Metuchen New Jersey 08840 United States


Peace/Conflict Call For Art: What is peace? What is conflict? How do they co-exist? Peace may be defined as the absence of conflict. Alternatively, peace may be an oasis in the midst of conflict: a sunny room, a favorite treat in a quiet moment, the joy of interacting with friends, simple well-being, or active joy. Inner peace may transcend conflict, offering perspective in pursuit of outer peace. Conversely, conflict may be defined as the absence of peace. Turmoil, agitation, fear, anxiety, and discord, in the world or in personal relationships, may be a path to peace or to further conflict. When is conflict necessary to achieve peace? Is peace the ultimate goal? Your submission to Peace/Conflict may represent one or both of these concepts. We look forward to seeing broad interpretations of this theme. Artists may submit up to 5 pieces* by email to exhibits@stlukesmetuchen.org images must be named as title_size_medium. For example, an 8x10 inch painting titled “Flowers” would be named flowers_8x10_painting. Please use inches for the size and do not include any additional information in the image name. *At this time, art created solely by using AI technology, even if generated from text written by a human, is not accepted. All other mediums will be considered. In the body of the email, please include your name, address, and phone number with a list of your entries. Entries due Aug. 1, 2024. Exhibit Dates Sat., Sept. 21 (reception 2-4pm) - Fri Dec. 13.