Juried Calls & Exhibitions

Conceptual Matters group exhibition

Entry Dates 2/28/25, 11:59 PM - 2/17/25, 12:00 AM 6 Days Left
Entry Fee? No
Contact Information

--Non US State-- Italy


CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium is looking for artists to complete the selections of "Conceptual Matters", thematic group exhibition curated by Abramo ‘Tepes’ Montini that will be held at CTAO exhibition room in Lavagna, Italy.

Please send your application urgently to contemporaryartobservatorium@gmail.com and don't wait the deadline, since we will close selections as soon as we fulfil the closed number of exhibiting artists showing quality and thematic coherence. Please understand that only pre-selected artists will get an answer.

Accepted artworks: bi-dimensional including video art, small objects.


The exhibition aims to offer a panorama on the actual developments and the evolution of Conceptual Art, how it is being interpreted by contemporary artists, analysing how the concept is crucial for an artwork in a society dominated by information.
Somebody may comment that all art has always been conceptual, since an artwork is born in any case from the artist's will of creating it and how; but this consideration can be easily objected if we consider Surrealist Automatism, abstraction, Pittura Analitica, asemic writing and other genres of unconscious art that involve the estrangement from conceptualism and reasoning. Therefore, the artworks of this exhibition focus on the primacy of human conscience: the idea, expressed in a direct way or conveyed by the form.

Further details on http://ctao.eu/calls.html